Athlete’s need adequate amounts of carbohydrates, protein, and fat to improve performance, promote recovery, and reduce the risk of injury. This video provides an overview on how to portion out meals, using the USDA MyPlate as a template based on easy, moderate, and intense training sessions.

Eating throughout the day is essential for athlete health and performance. This video highlights two of the most important times for an athlete to consume food for fuel: the 60 minute window before and after a practice or competition. Learn how to top off energy stores and promote recovery!

Food is important for health and performance, but it is equally as important to focus on the types and amounts of liquids athletes consume on a daily basis. This video identifies the importance of maintaining proper hydration, ways to monitor hydration, and strategies to hydrate throughout the day.

This is truly a one-of-a-kind experience for the athlete. Spartan Performance, in collaboration with MSU SportsMEDICINE and Rehabilitation Medicine, provides an integrated, holistic approach to the care and training of mid-Michigan athletes.